Supported Cryptocurrencies

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How many cryptocurrencies does SafePal support now?

Till January 15, 2021, SafePal has supported 20 blockchains and more than 10,000 tokens.

You can view the full list of tokens in each supported blockchain through the following links:

ERC20 tokens BEP2 tokens BEP20 tokens TRC10, TRC20 tokens

NEP-5 tokens EOS-tokens XLM-tokens

How many currencies can a SafePal S1 wallet accommodate?

As Ledger Nano S users might know, on Nano S, users will need to install different Apps to manage different cryptocurrencies, and each App represents one currency.

Due to the limited memory of Ledger Nano S, it can only support 3-4 cryptocurrencies at the same time, meaning that if there is a 5th currency needed to be added, users will have to uninstall an App from Nano S first, and then install the 5th currency. This could cause confusion and inconveniences among users.

The software architect of SafePal S1, on the other hand, is quite different from Ledger. SafePal S1 adopts the architect of "one program supporting all encryption algorithms", which gives strong scalability to SafePal S1 for multi-currencies support.

Let's assume there are three blockchains: A, B and C. All of them are using the same encryption algorithm. If you want to manage them on a Ledger Nano S, you will have to install them one by one into the device, and each of them will take up 1/3 or 1/4 memory of the hardware device.

On SafePal S1, things are totally different. Since all of the three blockchains are using the same encryption algorithm, and the SafePal S1 program has supported such an algorithm, integrating these three blockchains won't pose obvious challenges or threats to the device memory.

For now, most blockchains are adopting encryption algorithms such as secp256k1, nist256p1, and ed25519, which are all support by SafePal S1 already. So technically, SafePal S1 can support unlimited cryptocurrencies. This structure is very different from Ledger, and is also a strong highlight of SafePal S1.

SafePal S1 has supported firmware upgrade. Users are able to add new currencies by upgrading their SafePal devices. Welcome to learn more about "How is SafePal firmware upgrade secure?". Let us know if it helps!

Last updated