How to bridge SUSHI from Ethereum to BSC

Swap SUSHI ERC20 from Ethereum to SUSHI BEP20 Binance Smart Chain

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Step 1: Download And Set Up The SafePal App

Download the latest version of the SafePal App from the SafePal download page.

Step 2: Create A SafePal Software Wallet

Create and set up a SafePal Software Wallet by following the instructions via this link.

Step 3: Swap your Ethereum based SUSHI from ERC20 to BEP20 Through SafePal Swap Feature

Click the Swap tab in the SafePal App, and create a swap order instantly. A swap order will usually be completed in 15-30 minutes. Please wait patiently for the swap process. You can use the SafePal Swap to bridge your SUSHI from Ethereum ERC20 to Binance Smart Chain BEP20. A step-by-step swap tutorial can be found here.

Simply bridge your SUSHI from ETH ERC20 to BSC BEP20 using the SafePal Swap Feature

Last updated