Cross-Chain Swap Tutorial

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Step 1 Download the SafePal App

Download the latest version of the SafePal App from the SafePal website.

If you have downloaded the SafePal App and set up the wallet, please skip to Step 4

Step 2 Set Up The App

Configure the SafePal App by setting your security password and security login(fingerprint/pattern)

Step 3 Create Or Import A Wallet

SafePal supports both hardware wallet and software wallet.

If you are using a SafePal S1 Hardware Wallet, please set it up by following this tutorial 👇

pageSet Up Your SafePal S1 Hardware Wallet In 3 Minutes

If you want to use a SafePal Software Wallet, please follow the instructions in the App to create or import a wallet. Don’t forget to backup the seed phrase and keep it in secure locations.

Step 4 Create A Swap Order

Head over to the swap interface within the App, and select the token that you wish to swap for. This tutorial is using BEP20 BUSD- BEP20 BNB as an example.

Step 5 Sign The Transaction And Start To Swap

If you are using a SafePal Software Wallet, at this step, enter the security password to sign the transaction If you are using a SafePal Hardware Wallet, at this step, sign the transaction with the S1 hardware wallet

The time needed to finish the swap process varies from 5mins to 30mins depending on the blockchain traffic. Please wait patiently during the actual swap process.

Step 6 Receive The Swapped Crypto!

On the Swap page within the App, you can view all Swap orders by clicking the order book icon in the right upper corner. Once a Swap order is completed, you can see your crypto right inside the wallet!

Last updated